Set Emotions Aside and Learn to Get Along with Your Ex for your Child’s Sake
Ending a marriage can be incredibly traumatic and emotional, particularly if you were blindsided when you learned that your spouse wanted to separate. If you have children, it is crucial that you have an outlet to deal with the emotion and grief that comes with ending a marriage. Counseling with a professional who has experience working with people going through divorce is the best option, but if that is not feasible for you, then consult with a level-headed friend or family member for support and advice.
Get along with your Ex for your child’s sake
When you are sad and grieving the loss of your marriage, it is difficult to at the same time be supportive of your child’s relationship with the other parent. You will find it impossible to set your emotions aside in order to make decisions based truly on what is in your child’s best interest. When you are angry with your spouse for wrongs he or she has inflicted upon you, no matter how strong you are, you will find it very challenging to separate what is happening between you and your spouse from the parenting discussions that need to be taking place, especially early after separation.
Children are incredibly perceptive and understand much more than we probably give them credit for with regard to the dynamic between their parents. So find an outlet far removed from your child where you can process the emotional aspect of separation and divorce which will enable you to move forward with your life, develop a positive co-parenting relationship with your former spouse, and make the best parenting decisions possible for your child.